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Your Warrior In Court

Protecting Who May Otherwise Have No Voice

San Diego Family Law Professional

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Helping Families Move Forward In Their Lives

When your family is going through a difficult legal matter, you deserve responsible representation from an attorney who is sensitive to your needs. For Muslims, these needs often go beyond legal knowledge and courtroom skill. The stress of battling these issues are increasingly overwhelming as each day passes, and you feel that no one understands your unique situation. The managing attorney, Jylan Megahed, will be your warrior through these trying times.

“MEGAHED” translates to “warrior” in Arabic. Jylan Megahed, is a national of Alexandria, Egypt. She is your warrior combating your divorcecustodydomestic violence restraining orderfinancial supportimmigration and corporate issues.

However, MEGAHED, ESQ. is a strong proponent of settlement and agreements. If you and your ex are amicable and need the help of drafting a pre-marriage, post-marriage, custody and support agreement, or marital settlement agreement, then the Warrior will set aside her blades to get you the quickest resolution possible.

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About My Legal Warrior

Ms. Megahed is a local San Diego attorney from Rancho Penasquitos. In 2004, she found her passion for Family Law while interning at the Law Office of Emory L. Boutilier. (Fun Fact: The Honorable Supreme Court of California Commissioner Darlene A. White worked for the same law office!)

While completing her Bachelor of Science Degree at Arizona State University, she became the legal assistant to the Law Office of Francis G. Fanning to learn Employment Law.

Ms. Megahed completed her Juris Doctorate Degree in San Diego. She travelled with the Honorable Justice Antonin Scalia in Strasbourg, France during her study abroad trip through Pennsylvania State University Dickinson School of Law. She volunteered her efforts at the Guardianship Clinic of the San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program and the Family Law Facilitator's Office of the Superior Court of California.

She is professional, compassionate, knowledgeable and respected by her colleagues in the community. With Ms. Megahed by your side, there is no losing.

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888 Prospect Street, Suite 200, La Jolla, CA 92037
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